June 12, 2012

Beginnings, Endings, and In-Between Things

So this week is the last week of school, FINALLY. It seems like the kids were going to be in school forever, or at least that's how they made it sound.

I will have a 2nd grader, a Begindergartner (yes, we are delaying Kindergarten for a year. Jacob has the academic and social skills of a Kindergartner, but his focus and emotional skills need some fine tuning before taking an all day Kindergarten plunge. Luckily Begindergarten is all day. I am so happy that I will get some alone time with the baby... in 3 months.)

Battlestix is still chilling in my belly. I am 37 1/2 wks. I am feeling pressure from everyone to get the babeh out! as to not ruin their entire summer. As if I have a choice! I am so ready. Also: I am not ready at all! I don't want to go through labor, and mostly the aftermath! Wah! What was I thinking? I feel like this is my first baby, I feel nervous like it is. With the second, it had only been 3 years, it's been almost 5 with this one. Wish me happy easy soon labor fairy dust, please.


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