December 31, 2008


Today marks my completion of Nablopomo for December. (Nablopomo, for those unfamiliar with it, is a challenge to blog every day for a month. Stands for National Blog Posting Month).I have to say, it's been a great experience. I've read a lot of good blogs, made a lot of bloggy friends, and have really challenged myself to write every day! I don't know if it has improved my writing, but it has definitely given me a chance to take myself less seriously.

I hope everyone has a great New Years Eve. Drink a lot a glass of wine, and try not to get maudlin or wax poetic about the passing of a year. The important thing is that we made it through the year (and for some of us, Nablopomo).

Update: And no need to worry (don't get out the hankey yet!), I will still be blogging, just not every day anymore. It's hard to come up with a post every day!


  1. sooooo. you going to not blog for like a month now and take a break?

  2. I will be checking in on you, so don't go missing!
    Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Years to you! Can't wait to see more blog! :o)

  4. Yeah!!! Congrats on lasting.

    I did Novembers Nablopomo and I wasn't sure if I could make it. So glad I did cause it also got me to find a lot of wonderful new bloggy pals :)

  5. Happy New Year!

    I did it to and I'm almost afraid to start missing days.



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