December 21, 2008

To my best friend

Happy Birthday, my dear friend.

Ever since the moment I met you 9 1/2 years ago, I've known we would be fast friends. You make me laugh until I cry every day, and make me feel at ease with a glance. I can talk to you for hours, even if it means arguing about politics and listening to you talk about how GREAT Sarah Palin is just to antagonize me. (Only you could say "Palin 2012" with your smug ironic face and I could still love you.) You are the sweetest man, who says and does the nicest things for me and for your family. I know some days are challenging and sometimes we don't get the chance to connect, however I feel so lucky that you decided to share your life with me and I couldn't be prouder to be your wife.

Love, Janna

PS I totally got you a rockin' Birthday/Christmas present.


  1. Happy Birthday Shaun-eeeyy!!!!
    ps - welcome to the dark side. Stay awhile, with us and our friend Barry O ;-)

  2. Happy Birthday Mr. Janana Bee....I heart your wife...cause she's sooo AWESOME!


  3. I'm actually looking back in Dec'08 because I'm obsessed and looking for the sour cream-melted marshmellow-ranch dip mystery moldy substance, and I can't believe your hubby liked SARAH PALIN?! Egads!!



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